Asphalt Speed Bumps for Parking Lots and Roads

Do you need to slow something down? When you need to slow down traffic on your road or divert water in your parking lot, Asphalt Ninjas can help. Our Ninjas can repair damaged speed bumps and can install brand new ones too!

Call us today at (314)717-0050 or request a quote online!


Installing Asphalt Speed Bumps in Parking Lots

Speed bumps are an effective traffic calming measure that can be installed in parking lots, residential streets, and other areas with low speed limits. They have been proven to reduce vehicle speeds and improve safety for both motorists and pedestrians.

Why Choose Asphalt Speed Bumps?

Asphalt speed bumps are a popular choice for many reasons:

Cost-Effectiveness of Asphalt Speed Bumps

One of the primary reasons asphalt speed bumps are a favored choice is their cost-effectiveness. Compared to speed bumps made from other materials, the initial installation cost of asphalt speed bumps is generally lower. Furthermore, they require minimal maintenance, which translates into additional savings over time. Asphalt is a durable material that can withstand heavy traffic and extreme weather conditions, reducing the frequency of replacement. Therefore, the total cost of ownership for asphalt speed bumps remains low, making them an economical long-term solution for traffic calming in parking lots.

Comparison of Asphalt Speed Bumps to Other Materials

When it comes to speed bumps, various materials are available, such as rubber, plastic, and concrete. Each of these has its advantages, but asphalt stands out in several key areas. For instance, while rubber and plastic speed bumps are notably lightweight and easy to install, they may not hold up as well to heavy traffic and can deteriorate rapidly under severe weather conditions. On the other hand, concrete speed bumps, though robust, can be expensive to install and maintain, and can cause more vehicle damage if not properly designed.

Asphalt speed bumps, however, strike a balance between durability, maintenance, and cost. Asphalt, known for its resilience, can withstand heavy traffic loads and extreme weather conditions better than plastic or rubber. Moreover, it offers better traction in wet conditions compared to concrete. When it comes to installation and maintenance costs, asphalt still proves to be more economical. Thus, while each material has its merits, asphalt speed bumps provide a cost-effective, durable, and safe solution for traffic calming in parking lots.